Henry Christian-Slane's profile

Bedtime VR Stories - Samsung

Released landscape concepts,logo artwork, and characters I made for a Samsung Gear virtual reality children’s book game. I worked on this project freelance for about two months as the lead Illustrator/concept artist for all the environments and characters. Most of the environments didn’t end up getting used, and allot of the cartoony textural elements didn’t make it to the final product, but its super cool to see my artwork translated into 360 VR. I made 9 enviroments over the course of the project taking them from sketch to finished in one day, meaning that my team in london would give me the breif in their evening and wake up to finished artwork in their morning.
Big thanks for Unit9 for letting me freelance for them from New Zealand, they are always so great to work with/for.
You can check out the project on their website
and on samsungs site
Huge amount of other work im really proud of that hasnt been made public yet. Ill update this project if it ever does. 
Bedtime VR Stories - Samsung

Bedtime VR Stories - Samsung

Released landscape concepts,logo artwork, and characters I made for a Samsung Gear virtual reality children’s book game. I worked on this project Read More
