Don't Judge A Band By Its Cover

Don't Judge A Band By Its Cover is one of our  project series in year 2, Graphic Design, UWE Bristol. The aim of this project is to engage typography into motion image as part of our strand relevance in Type & Print. We were briefed and given examples from a few notable names in music industry such as OK Go, Bob Dylan and Daft Punk. These names are known for their engagement of music genre into the music video. We were expected to have the same level of work (when and if possible), as well as producing merchandise as part of our band and music promotion. 
Teaming up with Jade Harding & Ruby Tier, we called ourselves The Crying Girls, largely inspired by a work of pop artist Roy Lichteinstein (The crying girl). we infused pop art element into our music video & merchandise, which also include our song selection, Boom Clap by Charli XCX. We made reference to many well-known objects/products such as Facebook, Twitter, Starbucks to address consumer culture in our society.
We went through the first feedback of the music video where we show the work to everyone in the studio & tutors, the feedback was fine and we were encouraged to make adjustments into the music video (which previously was using the colours from the original frame) we tweaked the video by inserting our band logo by end of the music video as well as the frame colours throughout.  
Don't Judge A Band By Its Cover

Don't Judge A Band By Its Cover

A motion graphic produced by 3 designers; Dini Hairuddin, Jade Harding & Ruby Tier.


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