Reha ÖZYIL's profile

Traffic Accident Form Redesign / Kaza Raporu

It's a second year student project for main studio course of my university.
In this project, I asked to redesign accident statement form which is an existing civil service graphic design. It is a form which is filled for traffic accidents that is only with the property damage. Firstly, I made a research about life of the form and I found answers of some questions like “ Where you get the form? ” , “Where you fill the form? ” and I defined some decisions to guide the design process. 

For example conditions in a situation like traffic accident, it can be hard to focus on something. That’s why I should have redesigned it easily fillable as much as possible and I decided to use the back page as a user guide. Also it was a form to be filled by 2 person. So I used the advantage of grouping and also increased the legibility by help of colours. Finally, I made a survey to test my design and prepared 5 questions for the old and 5 questions for the redesigned form. There was questions about readability, dimension of the blanks and use of the second page. Then I finalized my design according to these answers.
Existing Form
Front Page
Second (Guide) Page
Folded to look to guide part and fill in the same time.
Traffic Accident Form Redesign / Kaza Raporu


Traffic Accident Form Redesign / Kaza Raporu

In this project, we asked to redesign an existing civil service graphic design like forms, timetables, tickets etc.
