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Make Your Job Hunting Productive

4 Tips to Make Your Job Hunting Productive
You’re on your way, looking for a new employment and at the moment, you’re all focused on your job search. Hope, you don’t you think that job hunt is one of those time when you can literally sleep until 12 pm and just scroll down Craigslist job postings while watching your favorite TV shows and eating burritos. Because it’s definitely not. Just like your work day at the office, when you’re responsible for doing tasks assigned by your boss, job hunting requires certain responsibilities and efforts as well.
If landing on a dream job you were always so passionate about is something you want to have as an outcome of this job search, then set your burrito aside, get out the couch and take an action! After all, you could your free time to polish your portfolio, learn more about peculiarities of your job industry and even make useful acquaintances!  Do you want to help your future career? Then, read on for 4 most important things to make your job search more productive.
Work on Your Resume
May sound trivial, as you’ve heard about it for hundred times already, but we wouldn’t be afraid to say it one more time: a well-written resume brings the most of your success. You may turn to Resumarea for professional resume writing assistance. This is a good option to consider since there are things that only expert resume writer can accomplish.
See what paragraphs of your resume have weaknesses and lack something essential. During your little break, you can actually sign up for some courses or seminars to boost skills or acquire some new ones. This is not only good for your resume records but also a great chance to start some useful connections and, finally, get out the house.
Network Like Crazy

Now that you know places where you could meet new people, start networking! This is not the time for going all shy and awkward; as soon as you make new acquaintances that could possibly bring you to the door of potential employers, it doesn’t matter. After all, going for an interview after somebody’s recommendation doubles your chances to get employed. The best way to meet the right people for your job search is networking events for local professional, organized by many
community organizations.

Nevertheless, you could always use social media, like Twitter or LinkedIn, for letting your friends or peers know that you’re looking for a job and would really appreciate if they could put in a good word for you in their companies or to people that might be interested in your candidature.

Think of How the Company Can Benefit from You

Neither your presentable look nor your perfect records about past employment or relevant skills wouldn’t be so impressive, as you carefully thought out plan or ideas that contribute to the company’s growth and prosperity. Jacquelyn Smith, one of the Forbs leadership writers, assures that candidates, who bring any fresh ideas with them, whether it’s about marketing campaign or cost savings, demonstrate their high interest in working for the particular employer, which is often rewarding.

Stay Organized

As you’re doing many things at many places to progress with the job search, it’s easy to miss something important in that information flow. Therefore, make sure you’re keeping track of who you managed to reach, what tasks you have completed and which ones are still in progress etc. To keep everything in order, write down the list of companies you’ve already applied to (with the detailed information when, where and which documents were submitted), as well as a lists of people you managed to contact with. Don’t forget to make latest updates as you go.
Make Your Job Hunting Productive

Make Your Job Hunting Productive

It can hard to land a job. If you feel that your job search is not productive enough, keep on reading!


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