The Rookery
Menu Design
This menu design is for an english pub style restaurant whose back story involves the Rook, a bird closely related to ravens and crows, famously known for their remarkable intelligence.  The menu itself is very subdued and plain.  The two tone color pallet is to make reading easy in the dim lights of a traditional pub environment.
On a brisk winter day in 1758, Swedish zoologist Carl Von Linn officially named and classified a peculiar and personable species of bird: the Rook. Known formally for their amazing intelligence and odd vocals, the birds, native to most of Europe, are also said to have the ability to forecast the weather and escort the virtuous souls of the dead to heaven. So naturally in 1876, when Benjamin Moore was looking to name his newly aquired pub he chose one which would describe a meeting place where peculiar intellilectuals could gather and be merry. The Rookery was born.
The Rookery

The Rookery

Menu Design.
