Metro Wrap for the London Underground
Are you positive you're not positive?

When only the back is seen, it seems the person opposite is making conversation. When they open the paper with both hands, they are posing a question - asking you to think about their, as well as your own, HIV status.


We've stopped talking about HIV as though it's no longer an issue - yet it's still here and the number of people living with HIV is rising. It affects everyone. You, me, the girl sitting next to you, only we can't see it. 
If you have any doubt, get tested. It will take you as long as reading this ad.

Are you positive you're not positive?

Condoms Under Beer Labels

It's a well known fact that the merrier we get, the less responsible we become. Oops. And who has the time to think about getting protection then?

It's also said that peeling off bottle labels is a sign of sexual frustration.

So ... voila. We thought we'd combine these two truths and help us all be better prepared. You know - just in case. 
National Aids Trust

National Aids Trust

A tactical piece to increase the visibility of an invisible disease - and encourage testing.


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