Yalina Álvarez De Maia's profile

70's labyrinth pattern design

This is a proyect for the subject 'laboriatorio di basic design II' of the faculty of industrial design, University of Ferrara. The proyect is about designing a pattern inspired on the decade of the 70's, in my case. I have based my inspiration for this work on multiple images and movies of the time. After making various searches on the internet about the 70s, I have chosen the following images as inspiration.
 Basically, I chose a gradient of colors and sizes for a square with rounded edges. Also, I 'surrounded' this figure with a bold linewith curves and labyrinthic. The color palette I have chosen focuses on browns, oranges and toasted colors typical of this decade.
I applied this pattern to a thermos. This is a very decorated object in the age of 70.
I have improved my composition to make it more labyrinthic, because it did not meet one of the prerequisites of this work.
70's labyrinth pattern design

70's labyrinth pattern design

This is a proyect for the subject 'laboriatorio di basic design II' of the faculty of industrial design, University of Ferrara. The proyect is ab Read More
