Rebranding & Product Line Design
OPPORTUNITY:  Rebrand a cosmetic company and introduce a product line.

SOLUTION: After substantial research and product analysis, this cosmetic company became Acadia. Acadia means “a place for wildflowers.” Acadia’s identity package and product line were created to establish a sense of light-heartedness, beauty and fun. The brand revolves around the idea of women as beautiful “wildflowers,” full of personality, and individuality.

The logo was inspired by kaleidoscopes, which produce flower-like imagery. The word kaleidoscope in Greek means beauty. Kaleidoscopes work based on the reflections within them. For Acadia’s final logo, the letter “a” was reflected, like it would be in a kaleidoscope.
Acadia Cosmetics

Acadia Cosmetics

Acadia means “a place for wildflowers.” Acadia’s identity package and product line were created to establish a sense of light-heartedness, beauty Read More
