Shampoo Bottle
This project took place while I was on an Erasmus semester in Mikkeli Finland. The placement didn't work out as planned so I ended up attending first and third year classes. 

This was as part of the First year module, to design a shampoo bottle for a company or organisation. We first chose three companies and created moodboards for the companies before developing the ideas and choosing a final company and designing the final bottle.
 DeWalt is a company that interested me as we see even the most unlikely companies producing shampoos and body washes. Even Hummer, before their untimely demise, released an aftershave. The toughness yet mainstream profile of DeWalt presented an interesting challenge.
Red Bull was one of my choices because it actually surprised me that they don't already make a bodywash or shampoo that would "Give you wings". It seems as though everything is sponsered by them these days so why not market their products too. 
Dáil Éireann, the governmental assembly of Ireland seemed a quirky and alternative choice, especially as i was on Erasmus in a country that didn't know much about mine. The prospect of the government trying to sell products didn't seem too insane either given the world ecomony. 
Ultimately I chose DeWalt, despite the temptation of designing a bottle in the shape of Irish govenmental ministers that one could tear the head off of every morning.

The DeWalt handle was designed to mimic the drill that is their most common product. The handle and the drill chuck were used as an example.

Red Bull's shampoo bottle played on the idea of morning energy. I took inspiration from the sachets of energy drink seen aswell as from their iconic can. Had I done the project at a later time I could also have used their new bottle as a more modern source of inspiration.

This was my final presentation. It was designed for an online submission so it is a little wordy.
Shampoo Bottle

Shampoo Bottle

Design of a shampoo bottle for an unlikely brand
