I never was much of a collector, but a year or two ago, I started collection images that I liked that had a vibe going for them. The girl you see was in one of them. I don't know what I'll be doing with the images, but I know I can come back to them and still like them. So, a couple of hours of uninteresting class later, I came up with this.
I started with 3 basic images for my composition: the girl and two images of mountains. I got those placed like I wanted and started editing on the girl. I then added clouds near the mountains for blending. Topping it all off by building the galaxy as background and blending for the girl, I only had adjustments to make to the colouring. Watch my progress in a short video below!
While this isn't commercial work and I did this more to hone my skills and work on my portfolio, I could imagine seeing this on the wall or - with added text - on a magazine cover. Do you agree?
Check out how I built the image in 14 steps below. It gives you an insight mainly into how I layered several images to create my own galaxy and how I tried to transform the already gorgeous girl to really fit my idea.
Not sure why, but the quality seems to be lacking when uploaded here. Sorry about that.
Galaxy Girl

Galaxy Girl

A girl amongst the mountains, with the galaxy staring down at her.
