Superstudio 2016
student competition
collaboration with Roman Kekel

Advertisment is all around us. Nobody likes it, it tends to be tasteless and annoying at best. There is no escaping it. It deteriorates the quality of the public place.

There are up to 20 000 billboards, bigboards, megaboard etc. lining czech roads. They take the drivers’ focus off driving and can atribute to driving accidents. 
 The new law prohibits billboards around roads and they should all be gone by the year 2017. There will be a good deal of hardened steel constructions and graphic material left unused.

Billboards surround all major arterial roads which are the cause of air pollution. After the advertisment is gone, we are left with steel constructions that will become a cleaning filter. Billboards will be used to create a new material filter made up of composite layers.

Each filter can clean up as much air as 1200 trees. The new use of construction and material is dsignificant globally and enviromentally.
Visual filter


Visual filter

Air pollution vs. visual smog.
