Pundits the world over are already predicting our future water woes. It is common opinion that the wars of the not so distant future will be waged over water. This, however, continues to remain a very anthropocentric perspective. There are millions of other species that inhabit this planet alongside us. Agumbe shows us just a fraction of this diversity and their dependence on the fresh water.
This was written, photographed and created on assignment with SAEVUS magazine as part or the Natural Capital Awards.
All content and outputs: Tasneem Khan & Umeed Mistry

Read more - http://www.khantasneem.blogspot.in

Trailblazers Awards - http://www.saevus.in/index.php?m=past-contests&s=YES%20BANK%20-%20Saevus%20Natural%20Capital%20Awards



This was written, photographed and created on assignment with SAEVUS magazine as part or the Natural Capital Awards.
