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Brand Refresh: VisionTek Power Supplies

VisionTek's line of power supplies was fledling, and it was largely due to the fact that the sales team didn't want to push a product that was so improperly positioned on the packaging.
In an effort to revive the brand, it was decided the packaging needed to be refreshed.
In a side-by-side comparison, it is easy to see why the original boxes inhibited the sale of the line. A power supply was sitting on a background of water, which was the worst place to put an electricity-powered component. Furthermore, the design was dated, featuring the old VisionTek bug and an image of the product that didn't quite match what the supplier delivered. The sides of the box were bare, as the colored piece was actually just a sleeve instead of a full retail box.
The redesign eliminated the water element, the old bug, and the product image. It also added sides to the box, giving more room for important product specification information and at-a-glance product information, which had previously been on the bottom of the packaging or not present at all. The barcode and warranty information was moved to the bottom of the box, and most graphic elements were removed from the box in the event the specifications, connectors, or product color changed. With the specifications in one place, it would be easy to create a sticker to put over the listing if necessary.
Brand Refresh: VisionTek Power Supplies

Brand Refresh: VisionTek Power Supplies

Refreshing the look of the packaging for VisionTek's power supplies.
