Louise Burns's profile

Fall 2015 Coursework

Last semester, I was enrolled in three studio classes, those being Kathy O'Connel's Intermediate Illustration I course, James Vinning's Digital Rendering course, and Karen Baldner's Printed Book course. Below I've included final images from the Illustration course, several bits from Digital Rendering, and then some not-so-fancy pictures of a few of my books. To tell the truth, I'm running short on time to upload some of these images, so the book photos are lacking, and I have every intention of re-shooting the photos when they get their own separate posts (at which point, I'll update the photos here, too.)
A Moth, editorial illustration for Kathy O'Connel, drawing ink on watercolor paper
A Moth is a short story written by H. G. Wells in 1895, following the story of an Entomologist named Hapley and his rival, Pawkins, as well as a seemingly ghost-like moth. 
Piggy Bank Mafia, Colored pencil and ink on Illustration board
Sweatshop, Colored pencil on Illustration board
This last one wasn't quite as successful as the others, Kathy's assignment to us was to make an image which is out of context, and in this case, that means that a fashion CEO is working at the lowest rung of his sweatshop.
{The rest of the ghost images are on this separate posting)
Blacksmith hut
Original sketch for town setup
It's my deepest regret for the entire semester that this picture doesn't have more people in it... It's totally unfinished. What a shame.
Emerge, drumleaf binding made for Karen Baldner's The Printed Book
This book about the Cicada life cycle was printed with a singular 9"x12" linoleum block onto Halloween-themed canvas sheets and then embroidered on and sewn into a drumleaf binding. You can find the individual posting for this book over here (although right now, I just have that link set to my profile. It'll be there after I submit my paperwork tonight) 
Fall 2015 Coursework


Fall 2015 Coursework

Highlights of my coursework from the Fall 2015 semester at the Herron School of Art and Design
