Morocco - City Branding

This project was to brand Morroco through designing a set of pictogram of the city's aesthetics and values in order to be able to design a city flag representing the city's identity, cultural and social essence. Secondly designing a set of pictogram that explains the city most important touristic sites and how to reach them. Third, Designing a touristic guide includes also a simplified map for the historic sites, information about the historic values of the sites.
This project is designed by Shahenda Alaa Bahgat, Mariam K. Ramadan and Sara Mokhtar and
Supervised by Ghalia Elsrakbi.
The Touristic Guide
Morocco - City Branding

Morocco - City Branding

This project was to brand Morroco through designing a set of pictogram of the city's aesthetics and values in order to be able to design a city Read More
