Overcoming many obstacles, which at times can be life threatening, a photojournalist's life is full of surprising twists and turns.
While on assignments, amidst risk, fear, excitement, action and thrill, showcasing the truth visually requires presence of mind, where the time given is only a few seconds - to capture the moment! The work involved requires one to overcome all barriers of language, terrain, weather and crowds. The diversity in landscape, people, events makes our job even more challenging and uplifting. Revealing the truth irrespective of sentiments and sensitivities is the only objective. Truth must be shown as it is. Its a challenge in every sense.
A photojournalist's depiction of events he witnesses and captures at ground zero has no linguistic barrier and news stories narrated through photographs are understood across nations, cultures and races, even by literally challenged. Portrayal of news through photographs and its triumph over linguistic and literary barriers makes photojournalism the most interesting and
popular news medium.
Photographs are immortal and retain a freshness irrespective of time they are seen!


