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Bionics : Smart transportation for smart cities

Nature has 3.8 billion years of design experience. Design inspired by nature, bionic design, biomimetic, biomimicry, or biologically inspired design have been a source of inspiration for design activities for a long time. Design endeavors in several technical disciplines may lead to ground-breaking new concepts when natural systems are considered as a source of inspiration. Despite the success attained in several cases from the use of this approach in design, the bio-inspired design approach may still have room for improvement, in order to become more systematic.
According to those who believe that all living things are a result of evolution, life evolved from simple to complex. Plants, which are simpler than animals, are believed to have evolved before animals. Plants have various structures that enable them to survive, transport structures in plants by which water and trace elements move. For over three billion years, plants have been using sunlight as its primary energy source in photosynthesis. In the course of this process plants use sunlight to split water and produce energy-rich chemical compounds from carbon dioxide. Learning from these deep design lessons, we can model innovative strategies, measure our designs against these sustainable benchmarks, and allow ourselves to be mentored by nature’s genius using Life’s Principles as our aspirational ideals. Veins and tissues play a crucial role in the delivery of Water and food to the different part of the plant. Without veins, Plant would not be able to operate. Without veins, there would be no life. So does roads in a city. Roads connect every blocks, from every corner of the city to another, without road a city would not sustain. Roads are the life line of a city.
As per research the brief was set to design a transportation system which mimics the transportation of water and food in a plant and also sustain on abundant resources like sunlight and water.
Bionics : Smart transportation for smart cities

Bionics : Smart transportation for smart cities

Project 2
