Every 90's kid has their own favourite cartoon..and I do too. But what all of us share in unison is the uninhibited love for the memory of the Cartoon Network of that era itself. While Cartoon Network still exists, it JUST isn't the same. But it's not to say that the modern times have given us nothing. Anyhow, this is my tribute...rather an attempt to rekindle the love for some of our favourite cartoons of the 90's, coupling it with modern, minimalist icon design. If you identify with even one of these and if it brought a smile to your face, share it with those who would enjoy these too..just like you did. Thanks in advance!
Apart from cartoons, one thing each one of us 90's kids remembers is the classic, evergreen advertisements of the 90's which in contrast to the irritating ads we see everywhere today, would immediately light up our faces everytime they played those days. And what all of us remember ever more are those iconic characters that were part of our favourite ads.
Here's another icon-based tribute to our favourite and most 'iconic' characters of the ads of the 90's.
The iconic 90's


The iconic 90's

The project was amied at making icons of memorable characters from the 90's that are close to my childhood.
