The poster when closed is a representation of how the media/news speaks about deaths by police officers. The larger the cutout the more coverage the individual received in the news, and the smaller cutouts are less coverage. Most of the small cutouts just represent a small obituary. 
Once you open the poster all the individuals who died in April of 2015 by police officers are revealed. Laid out chronologically, each indiviual has a photograph, if avaiable, their name, age, race, and location of death. These deaths are all by police officers. This open poster shows the whole story of deaths in April rather than the skewed perspective the media gives us. 
Zoom in of key for cutouts, along with sources
Zoom in of intorduction paragraph for poster, with some of the indiviuals who died. 
More Than Words

More Than Words

The goal was to design a clear visual explanation for what has gone wrong with police brutality and race in the United States. Policing and race Read More
