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Quincy University - New Website - Logos - Branding

Quincy University Website Design & Development: The Background
Quincy University is a small Franciscan university in Quincy, Illinois, that offers a wide array of degree programs and student activities on their scenic campus. Matchbox Design Group has been working with Quincy for the past five years on a variety of small projects. In 2015, we had the opportunity to redesign, rewrite and redevelop the entire university website.
Quincy University Site Before
Quincy University Site After
The new look added vibrant and inviting imagery and colors complemented by student achievements and faculty commentary. Matchbox Design Group, while working closely with, also created new, effective messaging and streamlined content for a better user experience. 
To see this and much more, visit the Quincy University site.
Quincy University Capital Campaign: The Background
After spending a year immersed in Quincy’s website and culture, we were asked to help Quincy pull of the biggest capital campaign in the history of the university. The project involved a campain logo, branding and a website to highlight all the projects the capital campaign would benefit. Several brainstorming and strategy sessions followed and Matchbox presented the following branding directions to the Quincy team:
Direction One for Capital Campaign Branding
Direction Two for Capital Campaign Branding
Direction Three for Capital Campaign Branding
After gathering Quincy Universities feedback, we dove into round two, a revised logo. While drawing on the successes of the past, present and future, Matchbox, ultimately created—and Quincy decided on—Forever Forward. It connected donors to a sense of pride that encouraged them to enrich the future for students.
Final Logo
The Capital Campaign team liked the Forward logo, but since we moved away the from the Quincy brown and gold, there were concerns that someone would see it and not know it was from Quincy University.
In one of our meetings about the logo with the Quincy team, Dr. Gervasi told a story that perfectly resonated with what we were trying to portray. There was a beautiful window at the top of Quincy Hall, the most identifiable and historic building on campus. The window had broken and for years in was boarded up as a temporary fix. In 2007, a beautiful new window was put in place. This story and this shape perfectly symbolized meshing the old with the new. Using the colors and the stained-glass effect from our original logo, Matchbox carried over the clover-shape. The image was perfect and undeniably Quincy.
“The inspiration for the invitation came from a deeper dive on the stained-glass window and what it meant to Quincy. The window gives light to Quincy hall, but it’s also a window into the legacy and history that this 150-year-old institution has to offer. For recipients, it was a window into the campaign to help preserve this. It was also a preview of the moniker we developed to represent this heritage.”  
-Brent Feldman, Director of Design and Managing Partner
The Website
Our next assignment was creating the Forever Forward website. The site needed to be the homebase and central resource of the campaign, not only for the people attending the gala, but for all supporters of the campaign over the next five years. We created individual landing pages that could speak to each kind of donor—from companies who were donating thousands of dollars to new alums who were giving $50.
To learn more about Forever Forward: The Capital Campaign for Quincy University, visit
Quincy University - New Website - Logos - Branding

Project Made For

Quincy University - New Website - Logos - Branding

Quincy University is a small Franciscan university in Quincy, Illinois, that offers a wide array of degree programs and student activities on the Read More
