This project is called "Expanse".
The design was created for my clothing brand "Continuum Clothing".
Here, I will show you the process from finished sketch to final result and some of the ads/banners made to promote the project.
Everything was done in Adobe Photoshop CS6 on a Wacom Cintiq 22HD.
The original sketch, scanned in high resolution.
After scanning the document I opened up Photoshop and started to pick the front layers of the piece and started building them piece by piece, working sometimes with the brush, sometimes with lines or paths or selections, whatever works.
The finished result!
Release banner.
Banner for release of Expanse and its twin design Wormhole in Black.
Banner for the release of Expanse and its twin design Wormhole as prints.
That's all folks, I hope you like it!
Expanse - 2015

Expanse - 2015

This design in my take on what the brain looks like from the inside. Endless paths, endless choices, nonsensical situations and more. Designed fo Read More
