Cory Mogk's profile

3D Printing - Motion Sculptures

Animation meets 3D Printing 

Sculpture is often dynamic. I played with that notion to represent animation in sculpture with 3D printing. This led to a research project known as ChronoFab. My talk at Autodesk University covers how to create these kinds of sculptures.

A plugin for Maya was developed to facilitate creation of these types of sculptures. Maya is a complicated product to use and we developed a new UX to make this very easy for inexperienced users. 

The research (including UX design) behind the project is covered in the ChronoFab research paper and resulted in a patent.
Dig. Backhoe showing range of motion.
Rage. Supervillain throwing a tire. The trail on the tire not only shows its trajectory - it keeps it suspended in air. Sculpture 3D printed in translucent resin for light refraction based coloring.
Light. Lampshade made from the path of a moth. This sculpture illustrates the path of the moth along with snapshots of the moth frozen in time.
Light 0.CG concept for light cover seen above
3D Printing - Motion Sculptures

3D Printing - Motion Sculptures

Exploring the creation of sculptures from animated objects
