Studio HEFT was a team I pulled together in the spring of 2014. We were a group of 5 makers. Together we covered virtually every base in the creative work-o-sphere. We also met once a week to work together developing content and concepts for film and TV. Oh Heft. Oh Heft, Heft, Heft. I created an enormous amount of promotional work for the studio including the brand. It’s a brand I still love and have thought about converting it into retail brand.
It’s one of my most favorite logos that I’ve ever designed. The package you see here was a set of promotional materials including a poster and postcards we intended to send out to promote the studio. I completed all of the illustrations myself and several were leftovers from past projects. Sadly, it never happened as the studio entity never gelled.
We were and still are a group of hired guns. But Heft was fun while it lasted and we produced some good work.
HEFT Branding

HEFT Branding

Branding materials created for Studio HEFT.
