Sasha Leal's profile

Whimever: Improve your life Balance through Experiences

Out section
Finding events of your interest is very easy. Side swipe to see the widest selection of events than anywhere else and custimized according to your personality and life  area balance goals. 
Balance section:
See the amount of events per seson (13 weeks) that you have attended so far and how you are meeting your life area goals.
Circles section
Invite friends to join the events that you have scheduled. Accept your friends invitations. Challenge someone to host an event or do an unusual new thing.
Menu section
The four main sections in the menu: Balance, Out, Circles and In.
Whimever believes in the correlation between building a balanced life and the experiences the individual lives during his or her free time. Whimever invites the user to build a personality and life area goal  profile where the user introspects about his/her desires and satisfaction levels on the social, physical, intellectual, familial, financial, professional and spiritual life areas, setting goals to improve those which are lacking by attending to events that have the potential to fulfill them. Moreover, Whimever makes time out planning very practical since it unifies all venues to find events, including popular ones like MeetUp and UpOut. It also consolidated functions into its app for the user to invite his friends to join his or her events, such as saving the event to his calendar and finding directions.
Whimever: Improve your life Balance through Experiences

Whimever: Improve your life Balance through Experiences

Whimever: Life Balance & Events Correlation App
