Uday Vir Singh Thukral's profile

SOON(Graffiti as interface ,interaction design project)

Using Graffiti(form of art) as an interface for dealing with alarming state of Air Pollution India.

This project involves, research on graffiti as a thought provoking form of art, as an interface for reducing of air pollution by provoking the thought and causing behavioral change in people.

Design Brief: 
State of air pollution in our country is getting worse. Our visible world is
obliviant to the fact that it’s surrounding us like a silent death.
We see our selves as victims of it but we are as much responsible for it.
I want to work on changing the behavior of people towards it.
Thereby designing art , which makes this dark hidden world visible and let
people introspect about their living world.

Project includes -

Domain research- Graffiti
Precedent studies on different artists and  Art movements
Material studying &

Concept Note-

Graffiti, a rebel form of art, works like a silent language to convey a message or
to provoke a thought .Graffiti with its origion in Philedhelphia has been
travelling places.

This art form was explored in different contexts by different artists. Like
Banksy, Magda Sayeg, Roadsworth, Danwits , Evan Roth etc few of the famous
artist , worked on recreating the city .

Work of different graffiti artists have explored different mediums and contexts
as inspiration and have provoked ideas for the same. Graffiti engineeres have
also explored and created graffiti related products, mediums and pieces for
functional reasons.

The art form has been used to provoke thoughts regarding injustice , defining
city , environment, social message, crime, gang wars , consumerism etc .
Graffiti has added immense meaning to our visual culture. This art form can be
designed to create a system which can help us remove air pollution. This is one
of the major issues people of capital city and other parts of the country are

Earth already has a self sustaining eco system. Its when we interfere too much
that the system becomes ineffitient to sustain or mend itself.
This is something which needs to be addressed for the future, not just
postpone it or reduce it from our homes.

Its becoming one of our basic needs, right to free breatheble air.
We cannot just keep on exploiting our environment. Before fresh air becomes
a commodity to be stored and sold, we need a behavior shift.
To get rid of air pollution we need to see it first. Its important how we see it.
Our uses of electrical appliances , locomotives, businesses, cooking, transport
etc all cause some amount of air pollution.

We see our selves as victims but we are also one of the reasons for causing it.
So, how graffiti can be used as an interface to provoke that thought. i.e being
responsible towards air pollution and help reduce it.
Air pollution cannot be seen, it is always sensed as some disease, and by that
time its already late.

As, India has a vast varity of cultures and languages, using the universal visual
language of colour, we need to design a system which helps us visualise the airpollution. As a possible solution to the problem, propose a pollution reactive paint which depicts the scenario .
How to redesign this system in city. 

So, i looked at the places we see most often and how do we relate them to our world.
Road signs

The most visible is the sky . The things we see in sky are, moon , sun , stars ,
birds , balloons satellite etc.
Moon our natural satellite was used as an inspiration , what if we have a
guiding moon all the time in the sky which depicts the situation of our world,
i.e. the situation our environment.

The angel moon will always remain in sky, suspended or hung , in the visible
vicinity and its color and form will show the level of air pollution in that area.
This new form will reflect the world down below. When ever you look up, it
will show us the world which we were not able to see before.

More the pollution less the reflection, as pollution bubble surrounds us with ill
effects that will be shown by it using pollution reactive ink. Which will cover
the reflection .this form would be dynamic and will change on its own.

So the Soon (reflective Moon) reflects the part of of the city above which it is. and it gets covered with black as the pollution in the city increases. the reflection is what binds the city together and the blackness shows the state of the city we are in.

Video Includes , an indoor scenario , in which a smoke bubble in form of a painting is placed on wall , which decolourises , when the Carbon monoxide sensor detects the increase in the air pollution . 
Idea is to come up with the meaningful form which people can relate and have deeper meaning to them, as to make them aware, about the change Happening around them. 
When hidden elements become visible ,perception and action changes which can lead to a better tomorrow.
Brain storming & Precedent studies
context - Death by breath (air pollution in india , delhi)
prototyping , material exploration and scenarios!
Visualizing form.
Less you see yourself more pollution there is around you.
SOON(Graffiti as interface ,interaction design project)

SOON(Graffiti as interface ,interaction design project)

using graffiti as interface for designing whole new visual language and provoke thought against air pollution


Creative Fields