Alzira Queiroz's profile

{ Poster for Tomorrow }

{ Brief overview }
This poster was done as part of the Poster for Tomorrow project.
" Poster for tomorrow, the international poster competition, is proud to announce the launch of its 2015 edition: Open Up! Universal access to healthcare now!
Every year poster for tomorrow chooses a basic human right to address. In 2015 it’s the universal right to healthcare.
As healthcare is such a vast issue, poster for tomorrow will tackling the issue in three areas:
• Universal access to healthcare now!
• Eradication of preventable Diseases
• Access to clean water
The central theme that binds these topics is access: access to healthcare services drugs that can help treat diseases, access to clean water that prevents the spread of diseases, and access to education and services that can increase awareness of diseases."
{ Poster for Tomorrow }

{ Poster for Tomorrow }

{ Brief overview } This poster was done as part of the Poster for Tomorrow project. " Poster for tomorrow, the international poster competition Read More
