Eat more vegetables campaign

This is a project done for young girls who do not eat enough vegetables. The approach is to use a platform which they access often to send a message to them. We decided to do it in a form of a magazine that will be distributed to schools. Each ad will be presented in a different issue. The key message is that if you do not eat vegetables, this can cause your beauty to fade faster as your body does not get the essential nutrients. The way of doing so is to make the pages more interactive, like torn pages to represent a body falling apart, falling out pages to represent hair loss and crumpled pages to represent wrinkles to capture their attention as they are flipping.
Eat more vegetables campaign

Eat more vegetables campaign

A group project with my classmates Affiqah, Maria and Wan Ling. Execution and conceptualisation by the 4 of us. My main role in this project is c Read More
