What started off a dream, turned to reality. This is not a real Nike Ad but wouldn’t it be cool? Below are some photographs of the process. This was one of my first projects using Adode Ps and Ai that I did in 2011.
This is a reference that I used for the pencil shadowing. I had to use two Teddy Bears to prop the pencils up! LOL!
Below are screenshots of how it looked in Photoshop.
In the first screenshot, I did an outline of the gym show, which I designed on the Nike ID official website, in Adobe Illustrator. Then, I transfered the Ai File to Photoshop and erased part of the real image, so I could ad the color pencil sketches in the outline (I used a Doodle Sketch brush for this effect) which is shown in the second screenshot.
The shadow effects were created by lowering the opacity and using the blur tool.
I took the NIke ID logo and traced it. I also applied the color pencil effect to the tracing. 
Mock Nike ID Ad

Mock Nike ID Ad

During the Back To School season in 2012, I got inspired by the BtS advertisements and felt like incorporating it into Nike ID. I designed the sc Read More
