Courtney Sexton's profile

Vinyl Graphics Installation & Production for Galleries

Cosmic Rift - Yehudit Sasportas - 2009

For this enormous mural, I cut eighteen 25' high panels of paint mask that had to be installed floor to ceiling with a crew of four people and a scissor lift. Job was contracted by San Francisco's Yerba Buena Center for the Arts though Priority Graphics.
Crooked on the outside and on the inside broke - Rayan Gander 2009

During the summer of 2010 The Lisson Gallery of London hired me to install "Crooked on the outside and on the insides broke (Alchemy Box No. 17)"  a piece created by artist Ryan Gander, at the home of Berkley art collector Robert Shimshak. The piece consists of a cast concrete ball and wall text that describe twenty eight objects that are inside the ball, with arrows to direct their chronological order.

Ministere de l'Architecture - Jean-Baptiste Naudy /Societe Realiste - 2008.

The Art Institute of San Francisco hired me through Priority Graphics to install digitaly printed graphics and murals for a group show entitled "Geography of Transterritories"

Homing Pidgin - Micheal Arcega 2007

I was hired by the deYoung Museum of San Francisco through Priority Graphics, to install transparent tinted vinyl to emulate stained glass, on sixteen 3'x8' window panels.

Vinyl Graphics Installation & Production for Galleries

Vinyl Graphics Installation & Production for Galleries

art installations at museums and galleries.
