My art is my search for truth/beauty.  Nature is the truest/most beautiful part of our world; subsequently, humanity is the truest/most beautiful part of nature.  I find that humans are in their absolute truest form and emotions in the midst of strife and suffering.  We are raw and honest and completely human when we are struggling in the face of loss and pain.  I strive to make art that is as emotionally charged as we are during these painful transitions of life.  We keep these vulnerable times well-hidden to keep our pride in tact.  I want my art to unveil these grippingly raw times of life and show humanity a reflection of ourself in our truest, most beautifully vulnerable states.  Since humans are all so very alike, I believe that my portraits are undeniable extensions of myself, and representative of my own life, even as they also represent the lives of others.
"Woman vs. Self", Charcoal, 24" x 18", 2015
Woman vs. Self

Woman vs. Self

Charcoal drawing depicting the hidden struggle within oneself.


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