Ana Sofia Mariz's profile

LetterpressReloaded exhibition poster ATypI Conference

One of the 62 prints hanging at SVC's Letterpress shop.
First step: PLANNING!
First Pass: pressure print, boxcard regular relief base, very transparent yellow
First pass: result on Magnani Percia 300 gr/m2
Second pass: pressure print on boxcard regular relief base, hand inking using orange with a lot of transparency
Second pass: prints
Third pass: pressure print, first form. (another form was used after this was damaged)
Third pass: using Golden ink
Third pass: first results
Third, Fourth and Fifth passes: After proofing wood type, scanning the proofs, designing in Photoshop and Illustrator, ordering photopolymer plate (360 Printing), I'm planning the next passes using the negative film. On the top: detail of the second form from the Third pass pressure print.
Fourth pass: photopolymer plate on the base ready for inking
Fourth pass: detail of the inked plate, emerald green with some transparency
Fouth pass: result
Fifth pass: photopolymer hand inked with blue and red
Fifth pass: inking revealed
Fifth pass: result
Sixth pass: hand setting dedication text during Jessica's Spring Dare Devil workshop. Using Stern 18pt designed and cast by Jim Rimmer.
Sixth pass: hand setting colophon in Stern18pt
Sixth pass: lockup inside a chase, great suggestion by Jessica Spring.
Sixth pass: Final lockup with the title "Keep it up!!!" composed in Franklin Gothic bold 36pt. I love magnets!
Sixth pass: Colophon detail
Sixth pass: printing done!
 Now comes the trimming. Here the planning for that. Sorry for the out of focused picture
Trimming on the guillotine
Sixth pass: Very special thanks for Jules Faye that was so generous in showing Chris's Stern originals and helping me with a lot of technical challenges of this endeavour. Special thanks to: Amy Redmon who first pointed me out to Chris Stern, John Berry who shared his articles about Chris, Jessica Springs and Laura Bentley without whom the type in a curve would not be possible, Kate Fernandez our super instructor who tought me great tricks, Demian Johnston who lent the golden ink and helped as a TA, Andy who had a lot of patience when I was running out of time, Jennifer Kennardz who encouraged during the design phase, Carl Monford who suggested the paper, Linda Hunt and the School of Visual Concepts who gave me the privilege to use their Letterpress shop, Jenny Wilkinson my first instructor and all the friend and colleges that helped with advice and encouragement. Last but not least this would never be possible without the patience and support of my husband Victor Bogado.
LetterpressReloaded exhibition poster ATypI Conference

LetterpressReloaded exhibition poster ATypI Conference

This poster was produced for Letterpress Reloaded exhibition at ATypI Conference in São Paulo, 2015. It's inspired and dedicated to the work of t Read More
