CRU Chalkboard Maps
The Concept:

Create a map that effectively communicates Campus Crusade for Christ's (CRU) overseas partnerships. Campus Crusade has a headquarters in Boston, MA, but also supports groups in the countries depicted on the map. These maps were sent out in a newsletter update from the regional headquarters in Boston. 

The Process:

Using a reference image, these maps were drawn by hand using a tablet in PhotoShop. I used varying opacities to create depth and interest in the continants. All type, aside from the logo, were also hand written. I chose to use a chalkboard motif to correlate with the collegiate aspect of CRU. CRU is a collegiate ministry with groups meeting on campuses around the world. The blue and orange were pulled from CRU's official color palette.
Chalkboard Maps


Chalkboard Maps

Hand-drawn maps created for Campus Crusade for Christ in Boston, MA in 2011. Drawn using reference image and Wacom tablet.
