Mark Heutink's profile

Strike Flyers - Texx

Strike Flyers - Texx
Background story
"What if one of the most beautiful, innocent and beloved creatures on Earth, suddenly become humanity's worst nightmare?"
Strike Flyers is a concept idea for either a series or a game (shooter), in which killer butterflies (called Strike Flyers) attack human beings. Nobody knows where the Strike Flyers came from. One thing is certain though; they came to wipe out humanity. The story is based around a group of teenagers who have (so far) survived their battle against these killer butterflies called Strike Flyers. Their goal is to find a way to destroy all Strike Flyers and save human kind.
One of the teenagers who have survived their battles against Strike Flyers is Texx. He grew up with his parents in remote city, where his father owned a shooting range. Here he learned how to shoot at targets, and soon became the most talented sharpshooter on the range. When the Strike Flyers arrived, his parents were killed in an attack by a Razor Flyer. Texx managed to escape. He ran to the shooting range and picked up his favourite gun. When the Razor Flyer came at him, Texx aimed and shot the Razor Flyer into pieces. One of the sharpest pieces, it's wings, flew through the air and hit Texx in his face and eye, leaving a massive scar.

The gun
Texx has his own favourite gun, which works with laser detection. The gun doesn't just use the laser beams for aiming purposes, it also functions as fingerprint recognition for the trigger. The gun only fires when Texx 'pulls the trigger', no one else can use the gun (fingerprint security). There is not even a real trigger, the laser recognizes finger movement, and fires automatically when Texx makes a pulling motion. The laser beams help Texx aim, because he can not see depth with his one blind eye. The gun fires laser-bullets, which automatically recharge in the Sun. 
Strike Flyers - Texx

Strike Flyers - Texx

"What if one of the most beautiful, innocent and beloved creatures on Earth, suddenly become humanity's worst nightmare?"
