Ashley Driscoll's profile

Biodiversity Newsletter

Biodiversity Newsletter
Typeface: Archer

This newspaper was created in Advanced Typography where the purpose of the course was to combine type and image inspired by a concept. We were instructed to choose one of the seven global issues raised at the United Nations RIO 20 Summit that needs priority attention as inspiration for our concept. The seven topics were; Economics, Energy, Cities, Food, Water, Oceans, and Disasters. I chose food.

Nutriants, Diversity, and Stability are the three main words used to support the overall concept, Biodiversity, within this newspaper. The articles emphasize the importance of biodiverse agriculture and its effects on the small farmer through nutrition, its impact on the enviornment, and the economic security it can provide. The images were  made with a homemade light box and taken with a point and shoot camera. By shaving a piece of the vegetable and placing it against the light you begin to see not only the beauty of the vegetable but its diverse interior pattern and structure. 

Rhode Island School of Design
Graphic Design Certificate Program, Division of Continuing Education
Dina Vincent, Instructor and Program Advisor

Photographs by Mel Colvin Photography
Biodiversity Newsletter

Biodiversity Newsletter

This newspaper was created in Advanced Typography where the purpose of the course was to combine type and image inspired by a concept. We were in Read More
