We all know that there is something about our sole existence that is yet to be discovered. Something that can not be described or conveyed through words, sound or images, because it has no properties, no attributes, it just is. We spend so much time on the analytical side, worrying about an increase in oil prices or blown up sensations in the media yet very little time we spend with being grateful for our basic existence and discovering our true nature allowing miracles to happen. The fact that we are after all able to perceive these oil prices, the world, grow in it and go through unique experiences that paint our journeys spectacularly diverse and colourful is beyond understandable. I titled this album 'DMT' because this gorgeous brain-produced chemical helps us to enter and to leave this beautiful physical reality where ultimately... EVERYTHING is possible. 

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We all know that there is something about our sole existence that is yet to be discovered. Something that can not be described or conveyed throug Read More


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