Embrace Life
Always Wear Your Seat Belt
Client: Sussex Safer Roads

Embrace Life is an advertising campaign, created to raise awareness of the importance of wearing a seat belt. The campaign was deliberately developed to provide a counter-point to the hard-hitting ‘shock and awe’ advertising so common to road safety.

I was involved throughout the project. The concept of using arms to represent a seatbelt came from an experience that I shared with the group in an initial meeting, and was accepted as part of the project. The advert and story it tells was brilliantly created by writer and director, Daniel Cox.

Additionally, I led the process of designing the logo and supporting material for the film (utilised across a variety of media including fliers, billboard posters, magazine adverts, direct mail – and of course the logo was included at the end of the film).

With the logo developed, the Communications Manager for the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership felt it was strong enough to be used outside of traditional media placements. With this in mind, he took the opportunity to have the logo and web address painted by a graffiti artist on sites throughout Brighton and Hove. Many of these sites are still ‘up’ 15 months after the campaign launch.

Watch The Advert Here: www.embracethis.co.uk
Embrace Life

Embrace Life

Advertising Campaign created to raise awareness of the importance of wearing a seatbelt
