The Brief:
A brand ident must set the stage and summarize the essence of a brand in order to captivate the viewer. This project delves into the delicate use of metaphor, mood, story and style to create a compelling and alluring final product. It allows for the combinational experimentation of video, collage, cutouts and critical use of type. My challenge is to create two 15 second brand idents for a brand of my choice. 
My Approach:
I chose to introduce Food Network TV channel for ths assignment. The final brand idents created consists of wholly original content created on my own (2D food graphics layered with congregated paper). Tomato is the element that ties everything together in this video for its form and color likeness to those of Food Network logo.
Adobe Illustrator CS6 and Adobe After Effects CS6
Lydia Alexkartadjaja (c) 2015
Background music sound by Nicolai Heidlas
Food Network ident

Food Network ident

Food Network ident is a vector based motion graphic project created for my class DV2009: Design in Motion.
