This was a concept and illustration project for Tafe (technical college). In class we were given a list of adjectives and a list of nouns that we could use or add to. Our task was then to randomly combine the two lists and produce thumbnails of "idiosyncratic images": images that were unusual and particular to our individual imaginations. The concept I thought had the most dramatic potential was "twisted shadow" a malevolent trickster shadow that appears during playtime (when the playtime objects happen to have occult significance).
Below are the concepts I generated in fineliner and copics on layout paper. I had a few other favourites, but got the best class reaction from the sexist map haha. This was a really fun technique and I will probably use it again!
Below are the references I gathered in order to give the painting believable details.
Here is the really rough digital sketch.  Afterwards I did a cleaner sketch in black and painted general values underneath.
After the values and composition were set, I began painting over the lines and starting to add texture.
Here is the painting almost complete. At this stage I realised I didn't have reference of the hands in the position I wanted so I shot some of my own reference. After the other details were added, I added a layer of noise for that horror genre film-grain effect.
Twisted Shadow

Twisted Shadow

An illustration and concept generation project completed in September 2014 for Tafe (technical college).
