Starbucks - Via & My Cup
With the launch of Starbuck's Via line of instant coffee, a campaign was needed to introduce th concept of being able to enjoy a hot Starbuck's coffee anywhere. What better way to do that than ustilizing the serving intsructions on the now iconic and recognizable cup. Along with print and out of home material, a mobile app was proposed to coinicde with the theme of 'instant coffee'; app users could save their favorite drinks and when they came within a set distance froma a Starbusks location would recieve a notification asking if they you like a coffee readied. Within this body of student work the Print Ad won a SCADY and most of the mobile app features were later added to a new Starbucks app. This concept of utilizing the side of the cup has also been used to introduce new products by Starbucks in recent years with out of home signange. Student Work 2009.
Starbucks - Via

Starbucks - Via

2012 Student Work
