ANCHOR design's profile

UK Cycling followers

Battling against the odds and under fierce competition in a gruelling environment, cycling stands out as the one true sporting success story over the last few years. Not only have we had momentous success on the saddle as a nation, but followers in the UK have more than doubled in size at a time when interest in major sports across the country are showing signs of slowing. While it may never wear that yellow jersey to be the country’s number one sport and continues to face an uphill climb to reach the popularity levels of rugby union or cricket, you can only stand back and admire the determination and dexterity the sport has revealed to get to this stage. In a way, the story of cycling and the qualities it has displayed in driving this explosive growth reflect the core strengths and appeal of the sport. Watch patiently to see just how far it can go.
Credits: KantarSport | Designed by Anchor
UK Cycling followers

UK Cycling followers

A look at the recent increase of cycling fans around the UK during the last three years.
