Charlie Ans's profile

sketches and pen & ink work

sketches line art
sketches in pen and ink, a ink wash markers ,post color in photoshop and more.
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
wonder woman pencil sketch to ink wash marker outline
pencil line art top
final color version  bottom to show the contrast.
Jimi Hendrix
Charles Manson
Anna Nicole Smith
Amy Winehouse
Bob Dylan Drawing with sharpie markers
AL Pacino from Serpico movie
Radiohead's Thom Yorke, markers and pens
These are drawings that aren't  digital, they're done by pen, pencil, and markers. They are to show the raw drawing sketching style I use. Sometimes it is good to see the raw drawing form as it is, and not the aftermath, all polished up and digitized.. These are various celebrities, ranging from the late Amy Winehouse done  in pens and markers, Prince done in pen only, AL Pacino from Serpico done in marker and pen Radiohead's Thom Yorke, in markers and pen,  The Cures Robert Smith and John Lennon are done in just pen.
John Lennon earlier and later, pen work sketch
pen and ink ,markers, drawing.
Black Cat from Spider-man comics form Marvel
Prince, pen work
The Cure's Robert Smith pen work
batman villains sketch shows my raw own and ink style at its purest.
Some of my best and favorite drawings are sometimes just doodles.
L-R Poison Ivy,Scarecrow,Penguin
Sketch for creature requested Work commissioned by a magazine in Florida called The Sun.
Sketch for creature requested Work commissioned by a magazine in Florida called The Sun.
sketches and pen & ink work

sketches and pen & ink work

These are sketches done in pen and ink, and marker primarily. They show my raw drawing abilities. I wanted to make a separate album with non digi Read More
