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Søren Nordström - Deep State / Protogenesis

The artwork for Søren Nordström’s Deep State is meant to reflect the wordplay of the title. This kind of techno music is meant to draw the listener into a deep state of hypnosis — hence the deepening of royal purple tones from top to bottom — but it is also a meditation on the overreach of the surveillance state and the shadow government.
Mirrored from Synapticism.
I designed the artwork for Søren Nordström’s Protogenesis using several layered photos of cables and wires shot on the unruly streets of Bangkok. I meant to capture a sense of disorderly chaos, of technology taking on a life of it’s own, but kept it subtle with cooling tones and a minimalist approach.
Mirrored from Synapticism.
Søren Nordström - Deep State / Protogenesis

Søren Nordström - Deep State / Protogenesis

Album artwork for Deep State and Protogenesis (2012).
