In Polynesian and Pacific Island communities, mana is a form of a spiritual energy and healing power which can exist in places, objects and people. It is the Hawaiian belief that there is a chance to gain mana and lose mana in everything that you do, and certain sites in the Hawaiian Islands are believed to possess strong mana. For example, the top rim of the Haleakala volcano on the island of Maui is believed to be a location of strong mana. The space was named mana house in the hopes that it would become a powerful sanctuary of sorts for all kinds of creatives; a communal work space for anyone that needed one. In developing this logo, I drew from the two most recognizable natural wonders of the Hawaiian islands: volcanos and oceans. The large top shape itself is based on a Polynesian warrior's tattoo, and in an interesting character study, many guesses were made as to what the shape actually depicts. Yogis saw a man flexing his muscles, cocktail masters saw a pair of martini glasses, urban garden developers saw plant-like appendages, and so on. 
mana house

mana house

Find your mana at the mana house.
