After collected data as a group for the project DoYouDigit, we each created our own infographics. After analyzing the data, I decided to focus my own infographic on education and culture. The form is a rose, and when closed, it reveals a box. This is my own play on the phrase “think outside the box”.

Each side of the box contains different types of graphics, some hand drawn and digitized, and others digitality generated.  I compared and contrasted the content as best I could, putting forth the idea of education and the creative mind.
Fall 2012
A presentation of data collected from previous project. (DoYouDigit) The focus of this was a comparision of education, society and culture. It uses not only just the data collected but, after further research, I added content form goverment sites to help convey my message. 


Infographic that focuses on education, culture and society.
