Maria Hanley's profile

Harmony Prenatal Test Rebrand

Harmony Prenatal Test - A blood test that detects Downs Syndrome and other trisomies with more than 99% accuracy as early as the tenth week of pregnancy.
/Project Goals
To differentiate Harmony from three competitors by positioning it as the go-to brand for all pregnant women, not just those considered high risk.
/Creative Solution
Through an in-depth positioning process and extensive competitive analysis we reached a brand essence of 'Clarity'. Based on the goal of positioning Harmony for a broader target market, the brand’s secondary personality traits became humanity, strength, practicality, simplicity and confidence. 
A major increase in traffic to the new resulted in more direct sales leads in its first week than the old site had produced in more than two years. Update: won two 2015 IMAs (Interactive Media Awards), Best in Class in 'Medical' and 'Pregnancy and Baby' categories. 
Creative Lead: Maria Hanley
Strategy/Copy/Project Management: Mary Lee MacKichan PhD.
Art Direction/Graphic Design: Maria Hanley, Marcia Gregory
Web: Maria Hanley, Creative Lead (Brand), Zoe Munson, Visual Design (Comrade)
Harmony Prenatal Test Rebrand