Eugene So's profile

[Urbanization] Deforestation



mixed media on canvas, 2009


acrylic and cement, 2010

"an appallingly repetitive sprawl of freeways and Soviet-style concrete apartment buildings, horribly polluted, with no heart or spirit to it"
-a review of Seoul from Lonely Planet- 

Although the original purpose of development of technology and urban cities is to fulfill human comfort, the modern society has been infected by materialism and individualism. High speed of development of technology and competitive daily lives make people vulnerable to the rapid society. As a result, living in this competitive society, people become heartless and unconcerned to each other. In other words, people are becoming lifeless and losing their heart. Urbanization has also brought rapid increase of population in cities. As population grows, beneficial facilities including transportation, factories and stores are built for human. On the other hand, due to urbanization and rapid increase of population in cities, social problems such as high crime rate, poverty, air and water pollution, deforestation, traffic congestion and stress have occurred. Nevertheless, this leads to deterioration of quality each individual’s life. People feel suffocated by smoke and noise and stressed by confusion. Moreover, while living in a congested city, each individual often feel that its existence is losing its value in a society. The materialistic society expects people to be passive and standardized and people lose their individualities within millions of people. In urban city, people meet so many others but the relationship between them does not include emotion. In fact, the relationship in urban society is only materialistic benefits. Personal relation is only a momentary thing that does not even last or value anymore. When looking at the insensitive and heartless people in a city, a person often feels like being lost in a place that no one cares about him. As people only care about materialistic value but not about how they are distracting others including people on streets and other stores, value of human beings are ignored by the value of material. Under the urbanized society, people lose their identity and value of themselves. The relationships between people become heartless and desolate.
[Urbanization] Deforestation

[Urbanization] Deforestation

Deforestation, 2009 Desolate, 2010
