Jamaica Shaila Verceles's profile

"Sally" (Ugly Duckling rev.) - Character Designs

These are the character designs and color studies I painted last year for the story revision of Ugly Duckling. Our goal in our animation portfolio class is to make use of the original story as our base to make our own version. I came up with four characters & I based my coloring style to the old-vintage kind of colors. I used dull colors to express that my story took place a long time ago~ 

She is the main character in the story. She's the ugliest member in the family that's why she's always bullied. 
Sally's sister. The mean and bullied one. 

Lora's Robin. She always agrees to what Lora says.

She is Sally, Lora and Lily's mother.
"Sally" (Ugly Duckling rev.) - Character Designs

"Sally" (Ugly Duckling rev.) - Character Designs

The project consists of the character designs and color studies of the artist's story revision of Ugly Duckling~
