Monumental ‮—‬ Twelve Plates
This set of 12 plates are a response to the magnificent book of engravings by Giovanni Battista Piranesi,
from the Special Collections at the Providence Public Library, which obsessively and precisely documents
the Colonna Traina [Trajan’s Column] in Rome, Italy. Each plate addresses one of Aristotle’s ten categories of interpretation through the lens of "the monument," questioning what is a monument, who decides what
becomes one, and what form that can take. Each plate finds a meeting point, either formally or conceptually, between a selected monument and Piranesi’s work.

A guide is provided to arrange the plates, on their back side, into a larger composition
revealing my own monument – to Piranesi’s monument to a monument.
(The model is a recreation of Piranesi's book, modeled in SketchUp)


This set of 12 plates are a response to the magnificent book of engravings by Giovanni Battista Piranesi, from the Special Collections at the Pro Read More


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