Please view the link below to see the rollercoaster.
Rollercoaster experience for Oculus Rift – Expedition Cave Coaster
Oct 2013 – Dec 2013
Goal- Create a rollercoaster based experience for the Oculus Rift.
-Researched rollercoaster styles and implemented the research into the design.
-Received and used feedback to enhance the experience. Feedback suggested that the experience was too fast for some people therefore elements of the rollercoaster were slowed down to suit the audience.
 -Managed a marketing scheme to advertise the rollercoaster experience.
-Released experience on Oculus Rift share site receiving over 800 downloads and positive feedback
-Trialled the rollercoaster at a Primary School and received enthusiastic support.
Relevance to role:
-Developed my own attention to detail through researching and analysing.
-Problem solving to develop 3D design methods for animation, eg getting the rollercoaster train to invert properly.

Cave Coaster

Cave Coaster

Rollercoaster experience for Oculus Rift – Expedition Cave Coaster Oct 2013 – Dec 2013 Goal- Create a rollercoaster based experience for the Ocul Read More
