Eleanor Gavin's profile

Virgin Pure - The Hub

I decided to aim the product to work places, I understand it would be smaller offices such as estate agents, firms, agencies, staff rooms and it can also be aimed for the franchises of larger companies. 
To reach such a large augience, a saying or quote that can be relatable will be used in the campaign. This will also have to be linked with their product and what makes it so different to be Virgin water?
The people that work in the office space are very close, they see eachother and speak to eachother every day, and they know alot about eachother. There are little phrases that people may say in the work space that everyone can relate to, and the one that is related to a positive saying to do with water. 

"There's something in the water" 
A term used when something positive has spread through the work office, and because of all the benefits people can get from a triple filtered water supply. 
For the campaign to work, it will need to show the difference between VIrgin Pure compared to all the other water softeners in the market. First of all there is the market that do not have water softeners in the first place, and it will need to show them the beneifts of how filtered water can be better for you. 
The publications we will need to reach out to will be determined by the work places we need to see the campaign. Some publications the campaign will need to think about would be Elite Business, The Financial times and newspapers and magazines for estate agents. 
This is an example of one of the advertisements in the Financial Times. 

To make a statement that follows the advertisements that people will see, and to keep the Virgin Virgin tone, there will be an ostentatious event that people will know immediately is Virgin.  
Through Londons River Thames, a large red speed boat will be blasting music that is very 'Virgin-esque', meaning very upbeat, soulful, the type of songs that people will say 'OH I LOVE THIS SONG!'
RIchard Branson, the main brand image of Virgin, will be in the boat slowly moving along so that people along the side of the river can hear all of this music. 
Banners across bridges saying ' London, whats in your water?'
Along the side of the river will be little posts with  '#somethinginthewater' and also along the side will be red juke boxes, and it is where people can choose what song they want to hear from the boat. 
This will be a weather dependant event, and so will be planned for a certain amount of time, and one of those days out of 7 will be chosen depending on the weather. 
As the event will be going on, the hash tag will be linked up with the electronic advertisements on the underground, so that people traveling around for work will see that something is happening on the Thames that day that they will then read about later in the publication that has been informed of this. It will still be on the advertisements later at rush hour and the next morning rush hour.  
This is an example of the review in The Guardian. 
Virgin Pure - The Hub

Virgin Pure - The Hub

Virgin have brought out a triple filtered water softener, this could either be for the work space or home. The brief had to be in a 'Virgin' tone Read More


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